Author Archives: Chris Penningroth


I wish you blessings on this Memorial Day.

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I’m thinking about learning how to trade them.

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I’d like to encourage everyone to think carefully about the way we in America approach discussions about our rights as citizens. I’ll use the inherent right of defense as an example, but the principle applies to the inalienable rights to … Continue reading

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Saved by the South

Who would have thought it possible? If the American republic is to be saved in these latter days, history may eventually note that a lot of the saving was accomplished by two Americans from South Africa. Here’s to you, Elon … Continue reading

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Join the VIPeeps

My friends over at PJMedia have a VIP program. A group of us have been getting together virtually for the past couple years. It’s fun! If you join, stop by and say “Hello!”

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New Old Words

I’m in the middle of a study of leadership, and I noticed that I had to constantly refer to the studyof leadership as “The study of leadership.” To make matters worse, some of the material could be referred to as … Continue reading

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Losing the Muse

Requiescat in pace, Oregon Muse. The Horde just isn’t going to be the same without you.

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Why I Avoid Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency is all the rage these days. For the most part, count me out. It’s not that I like fiat currency. Far from it! Bitcoin in particular has a looming problem. There are a lot of computing assets deployed these … Continue reading

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Student Status

I’m not exactly certain what made me think doctoral-level classes would be a breeze. That first class was more than a bit humbling! Did I mention I signed up for a doctoral level class? Being uncertain my writing was going … Continue reading

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Conventionally Speaking

Politics are never easy. Somebody’s livelihood is always affected as a result of political change. Americans do not like leaving people out in the cold, letting them go hungry, or letting them go with untreated medical conditions. This attitude is … Continue reading

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