Megyn Kendall was just interviewing Ann Coulter on Big Story Primetime. (Caution: Second link not recommended for my left-of-center friends. You must lean at least this far right to view Ann’s blog: _ _ _ _ _ —> _ _ _ _ _ _ ).
I still think Roger Ailes needs to get Rudi Bahktiar more air time.
Personally, if I’m ever in Iraq again, and a bad guy throws a small spherical explosive in my direction, I’ll alert all in the area by yelling "EVERYONE GET DOWN!!! A ‘COULTER’!!!"
In any case, it was fun to watch. They don’t call it the "Fox" News Channel for nothing, you know!
Hi Chris,
Will and I will check your blog to see how you are doing. This is the greatest thing. Have a quiet day there. Hugz to you and Christina, Ana
Aw, comeon, Ann’s a hoot. *wipes tear from eye* She kills me.
Hello, Will (sir) and Ana! Welcome to Weltanschauung! It’s good to hear from you all!