I’m going to keep some fond memories of you, Lady Thatcher. Thank you for speaking to us at my University of Missouri campus (I started at least one of the rounds of applause). Thank you for your televised speech at President Reagan’s funeral; you adding a touch of your grief made mine a little easier to bear at the Great Man’s passing; I do wish you could have been there personally, but I understand and accept that you could not. Most of all, thank you for securing the future for us, at least for the time it was within your power to do it. HIstory will remember you well. I will do the best I can to ensure that. It’s the least I can do. With gratitude and sadness from the bottom of my heart, I bid you goodbye.
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[Thanks for the comment, but I struck it as it was off-topic–Ed.]
Though Thatcher’s policies might not have been good for this individual person or another, overall Britain should thank her for saving Britain from becoming an economic basket case/socialist welfare state such as Germany and France have become.